People were killed. Brutally massacred
the scene of the act were filled with morbid laughters.
about me
Jia Cheng
Singapore/Bedok South Sec
A minor advise from me, I would not be publicising any daily event; only what I feel is necessary.
However, there is minute chance that I would do so.
Lastly, please exit if you have the intention to discriminate.

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

My Friendster
Ji Xiang
Shi Yao
Wai Teng


media resources

Next Plane Home - Daniel Powter

Special thanks to


date of incident happened
Sunday, August 10, 2008 |5:12 AM
Ndp 2008

Ndp was great. I managed to go all thanks to my good friend, Andrew. Thanks dude. Took some photographs and I'm not going to explain further. Like they said, a picture describes a thousand words. So look on.

Some Pre-parade Performances..
Continuation of the performances.. Rain Expected.. Elderly performing their line dances..
Everyone in poncho due to rain

Formation of the contingents
Another Picture of the manificent parade
Trail left by one of the Fighter Jets
Night view of Singapore River and Parade

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date of incident happened
Friday, August 8, 2008 |6:06 AM

Hey friend, don't be upset. It's not your fault, please don't keep it to yourself. I'm more than willing to be a listening ear, hearing and sharing your sorrows. People don't know what they are going to lose. But, love can't be forced too, relationships will be strained and more damage will be caused. You know that I'm talking about you when you read this, rest assure I will be there as a friend and others too.

date of incident happened
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 |4:44 AM

Bds 3C 08 Inter-class soccer match: 1 Win, 1 Draw, 2 Loses.
Definitely not the best that 3C guys can put up but nice try though.
I definitely enjoyed the match that I was playing in as a right back defender.
Some show their sportsmanship while others disply their immature and sore-loser personality.

date of incident happened
Monday, August 4, 2008 |4:47 AM

Hello everyone, how's your day been going? Well, yesterday, a group of friends and I went to Downtown East with of Fushun counterparts. First, we went to escape theme park where we tried out the Go-Karts, Pirate Ship, a Haunted House. The rides were relatively exhilerating especially the Haunted House. Those fools who went with me, probably didn't realise that the last is always going to be frightened by something. Everything was fine until the part where we scattered for lunch. Calvin and Chin How's clique went somewhere and I was left with Tian Lai at Subway. Soon after, our seemingly sumptuous lunch, everyone went to Wild Wild Wet and I was left alone. Right before Tian Lai went in, he told me he would find Calvin and then contact me again. This is absolutely the wrong move, apparently I waited for 30 minutes before getting impatient after getting tanned under the hot sun. I tried calling him for quite a number of times but there was no response. In the end, I got irated and left but I sent an sms to Tian Lai containing 3 explicit words. Thank goodness, I left because the rest finished only after 5.30pm. Tian Lai apologised and explained which made me slightly contented.
Well, this are probably test given by god to fortify friendships and to test ourselves so I'm not really infuriated by them. After all, we probably only have another 1 year to study in the same institution and I should cherish all my friends. I seriously hope those who read this can apply these to your lifes. However, before I end, I would like to comment on some people.
To Calvin: What's the need for such an exorbitant handphone when you don't even use it.

date of incident happened
Saturday, August 2, 2008 |1:40 AM

Hey all, I'm back again. Well, I guess I'm less infuriated as compared to yesterday; hence maybe time really does be able to mend one's one. At least, I much more cheerful today. An interesting Scout meeting yesterday, or should I paraphrase is as an achievement. Bds Scouts' footdrills had improve tremendously; of course that did not come all of a sudden. Please, do understand that I am not trying brag about anything; I am merely speaking of the truth. Apparently, they'd really sucked* at first and really needed intensive training and that started the 3 hours long footdrill training. In between, we had some jokes which came from a secondary one member, ZhenHuang. That boy, never fails to amuse me with his actions. I gave them some prep talk which could done the trick as I had expressed my intentions of training so harshly. I really couldn't stand the discrimination for other uniform groups which I do not wish to state. So I said: "Guys, I know you all don't like to do footdrills, I know because I myself dislike footdrills. But, we have train so that we can prove to the other UGs that Scouts are not weak, not gay. So can we train and do our footdrills well." Well, fortunately, they understood and we trained for approximately 2 hours before dismissing. I belive in life, we have to have a goal in order for us to succeed. Without goals, we would just be people without any intension of succeding in life. Well, that's all of today. I would like to add on to someone, I do not mumble in fact I try my best to project my voice, I do not mind if I'm being insulted but please do get your facts right to prevent any misunderstanding.

date of incident happened
Friday, August 1, 2008 |5:59 AM

It's really ironic that one can love someone and also hate someone and to have the mindset to kill simultaneously. Well, I guess that's human nature to give in indefinitely and also to expect to be reciprocated in same manner. Maybe this are how murders occur; through sudden and uncontrollable outbreak of blind rage and fury. Honestly speaking, I'm going through this horrible experience; I really want to use explicit vulgarities right now but I'm trying my very best now to as it would ruin this establishment. Well, I guess that's all I have. A word of advise: jabbing the wall with your fists do actually help soothe your nerves.